100th birthday party to celebrating Mary Schulze

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mary Isabel Schulze, the Irving Heritage Society will host a birthday party in the back garden area of the Heritage House, 303 South O’Connor, on Sunday, July 16, from 2pm-4pm. Old fashion games, storytime, and refreshments will take place. The public is invited. Children under 12 years of age should also bring along an adult. Mary Schulze grew up in the home at 303 Iowa Street, now called O’Connor Road. Born on July 19, 1917, she and her older brother Charles were the children of C.P. and Virginia Schulze, Her uncle J.O Schulze, along with Otis Brown, founded the town of Irving.
After graduating from Ursuline Academy in Dallas, Mary received a B.A. degree in English from Incarnate Word College in San Antonio in 1939. She taught for a few years in Brownsville, then entered the Sisters of Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament in 1944. She was a librarian and a teacher over the years. Sister Mary Luke Schulze passed away on December 31, 1992.
Click here to watch the video of the event.
For more information call 972-252-3838.
Mary Schulze